Verify signatures with Cosign
All Application Collection OCI artifacts, including container images, Helm charts and OCI attestations, are signed with sigstore.
Follow these steps to perform the signature verification for all Application Collection artifacts:
- Download and install the cosign tool in your system
- Download and install the crane tool in your system
- Optionally, download the public key for Application Collection artifacts and place it in a known path: ap-pubkey.pem
Container images
Multi-arch manifest
To verify the signature of the multi-arch manifest of an Application Collection container image, that is, the manifest that declares the manifests for each supported architecture of the container image, execute the following command:
cosign verify --key
For example, the following command will verify the signature of the Application Collection container image for etcd 3.5.12:
$ cosign verify --key
Verification for --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
- The cosign claims were validated
- The claims were present in the transparency log
- The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid
- The signatures were verified against the specified public key
[{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:93165ccc4f3e018f0f9cbab36ef0f5e4651faf75d48f8c3b2c8f1933cd88498c"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":{"creator":"OBS"}}]
NOTE: If you have downloaded ap-pubkey.pem locally, you can use it to verify the signature for container image artifacts:
cosign verify --key ap-pubkey.pem
Single-arch manifest
To verify the signature of the single-arch manifest of an Application Collection container image, that is, the manifest for a container image for a specific architecture, follow these steps:
Obtain the digest of the container image for which you want to obtain the OCI attestation. They are architecture-specific. You can use crane to obtain it:
crane digest --platform linux/ARCHITECTURE
For example, to obtain the digest for etcd 3.5.12 on the amd64 architecture (also known as x86_64), execute the following command:
$ crane digest --platform linux/amd64 sha256:7e4ec052525fad97b54a66801e4c2a11887c0f42a1622148d7234e1164169753
Verify the signature of the manifest for the specific architecture using cosign:
cosign verify --key
For example, the following command will verify the signature of the Application Collection container image for etcd 3.5.12 on the amd64 architecture:
$ cosign verify --key Verification for -- The following checks were performed on each of these signatures: - The cosign claims were validated - The claims were present in the transparency log - The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid - The signatures were verified against the specified public key [{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:7e4ec052525fad97b54a66801e4c2a11887c0f42a1622148d7234e1164169753"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":{"creator":"OBS"}}]
OCI attestations
To verify the signature of the OCI attestations attached to a container image, which contain extra metadata and documents such as the SLSA provenance, SBOMs, antivirus scans or vulnerability scans, follow these steps:
Obtain the digest of the container image for which you want to obtain the OCI attestation. They are architecture-specific. You can use crane to obtain it:
crane digest --platform linux/ARCHITECTURE
For example, to obtain the digest for etcd 3.5.12 on the amd64 architecture (also known as x86_64), execute the following command:
$ crane digest --platform linux/amd64 sha256:7e4ec052525fad97b54a66801e4c2a11887c0f42a1622148d7234e1164169753
List the available OCI attestations for the artifact. You can use cosign to list available OCI attestations:
cosign tree
For example, to obtain the list of available OCI attestations for etcd 3.5.12 on the amd64 architecture, using the previously obtained digest, execute the following command:
$ cosign tree 📦 Supply Chain Security Related artifacts for an image: └── 💾 Attestations for an image tag: ├── 🍒 sha256:9eafd00bc9ca32550ca4c178631c213165a786abb27197dc5d9d067e48977866 ├── 🍒 sha256:6a7d0ec2caaaa15a88e1d62cdbe3e7190c4b6601e5dea0256598cfe84a18cec5 ├── 🍒 sha256:004d4bf7384636eeea9588ad597e1383b867a7823c7e1add5d381b1e8fa381cf ├── 🍒 sha256:8c76d06cd977b452a4a68759349b4ada96b8648a52738493e36d55f831cece3c ├── 🍒 sha256:906ebacb82b1db8751fd76a53b060907d11560d35a2a84282197d47738557df1 └── 🍒 sha256:76d23404909e78c48a428705a2656c9f61c45cbed0919199bc5dd0a8f6d7c5d4 └── 🔐 Signatures for an image tag: └── 🍒 sha256:5cba0994d00b2ad7e8273371ad64483eb15613d971a720e987e1b81831615838
Optionally, download all attestations:
Using crane, you can download all attestations into a .tar archive using the following command:
crane pull attestations.tar
For example, to pull all OCI attestations for etcd 3.5.12 on the amd64 architecture, into the attestations.tar archive, execute the following command:
crane pull attestations.tar
Using cosign, you can download specific attestations, for example:
SLSA provenance:
cosign download attestation --predicate-type=slsaprovenance | jq -r .payload | base64 -d | jq .
cosign download attestation --predicate-type=spdx | jq -r .payload | base64 -d | jq .
Verify the signature for all attestations using cosign:
cosign verify-attestation --key
For example, to verify all OCI attestations for etcd 3.5.12 on the amd64 architecture, into the attestations.tar archive, execute the following command:
$ cosign verify-attestation --key Verification for -- The following checks were performed on each of these signatures: - The cosign claims were validated - The claims were present in the transparency log - The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid - The signatures were verified against the specified public key {"payloadType":"application/","payload":"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","signatures":[{"sig":"s7ZMMoF1ST0iOBQ9Fw7fd8nviPS/OCmbCFzzCnDVFqih/NjtDNAiACDokrEWvSfMOX/l6QengDQ4KiittrqO/hsxUp00DTidG3JXZqoHWbrukpzemXKJZRegr2hZNJMoitIaJE9q+f0zmgjMczY2RNw/RN/AzZ8MMnRThjRsfIqR4rc6z1iNO7HHmAHfr+egUaH+FPtOt4pkKwOGZxfmZ3uRSGTWfqe0hODOt9OefEwaJA8TMv9Fd40YO9/ownrgDjySnF4paittPZAS5KqTNXZKsMO4nusRKO8ChRUEyr0waN20WUZlqRApXTTqpgt3FJdJYNDn3b7uMZUwcPUKog=="}]}
NOTE: If you have downloaded ap-pubkey.pem locally, you can use it to verify the signature for the OCI attestations:
cosign verify-attestation --key ap-pubkey.pem
Helm charts
To verify the signature of an Application Collection Helm chart, execute the following command:
cosign verify --key
For example, the following command will verify the signature of the Application Collection Helm chart for etcd 0.1.0 (which will deploy etcd 3.5.11):
$ cosign verify --key
Verification for --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
- The cosign claims were validated
- The claims were present in the transparency log
- The signatures were integrated into the transparency log when the certificate was valid
- The signatures were verified against the specified public key
[{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:be3d7b10332fb25ed0e73e611a0e302827137cb3c6d5e82ac847290b2a051625"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":{"creator":"OBS"}}]
NOTE: If you have downloaded ap-pubkey.pem locally, you can use it to verify the signature for Helm chart artifacts:
cosign verify --key ap-pubkey.pem